So, we arrived in Quito and spent our first night savouring the cheap rates at the Marriott. T had an early night and I went down to the bar for a burger and to read my book. We had a great night's sleep and were ready to face the day.
After discovering that the hotel's rates were going to increase dramatically for Sunday night, we decided to check out and look for somewhere else. We spotted Hotel Vieja Cuba on Trip advisor and so got in a taxi to it.
About 1 minute later our taxi driver pulled up outside the new hotel. We booked the last room for two nights and then got the driver to go back and pick up our bags.
Once we'd deposited our bags in our new (and significantly cheaper) accommodation, we asked our driver to take us to the Equator.
We drove for about 45 mins and were taken to a spectacular view over a volcanic crater (which was now green and fields and had people living on it). Then he took us to the Museum (Inti something) where they have some 'ethnic' displays (including a shrunken head)

Head, shrunken and rotating
There was the real equator (as defined by GPS - no less. Of course, after carting the thing around for the last 5 months, I forgot to take my GPS to prove it. Doh!)

World's apart
Finally, there were some 'experiments' that were supposed to demonstrate the power of the Equator. (Total and utter rubbish). However, I did balance an egg; and get a certificate for so doing.

After the unofficial (but amusing) visitor centre, we went to the less amusing but much more touristy official centre. About 240m away from the real equator.

Offical (but wrong)
After all that middle of the road adventure, we decided to go for a Thai meal. At the most central, slowest (and possibly worst) Thai restaurant in the world.
We then retired to the igneous rock that they called a bed for a fitful night's sleep.