Monday, 29 January 2007

Hammock Tales

For the last few months, Trudi's mantra has been "When I get to Belize, I want to do nothing but lie in a hammock for two weeks". So it should have come as a bit of a surprise that almost exactly one hour after settling down for a nap, the words "I'm bored now, what are we going to do" came floating from the hammock direction.

Funnily enough, it wasn't as much of a suprise as it could have been :-)
So, we set off in search of diving schools, trips and snorkelling tours. After deciding to take our PADI open water certificates with Frenchie's (they do there first day in the water in something that doesn't, in Trudi's words, smell of poo) we then booked an afternoon snorkelling.

Snorkelling was great fun, we both had a go at the first stop and then Trudi decided to relax in the boat for the second and third stops.

We saw some pretty funky fish, including Barraccuda, Stingrays and a puffer fish (which blended amazingly well into the reef.

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