Saturday, 30 June 2007


We left Cuzco by plane. After paying the airtport tax (which all seems like such a dodgy operation to me) our flight was full and slightly delayed, but uneventful.

We arrived in Lima and prepaid our cab. We had decided to spend some of the budget surplus we had made by not booking the right dates in Aguas Calientes by staying in a posh place in Lima. We stayed in the Hotel COuntry Club Lima. Very Nice. Fizzy pop on checkin!

Checking-in, Wiseman style

We did almost nothing except read, eat and sleep on the first day. It was lovely.

Also, by some miracle, the computer screen, which had gone so wrong in the Bolivian Altiplano - seemed to have magically fixed itself. Amazing.

The self-fixing computer

Day two in Lima found us unwilling to brave the sights, so we decided instead to go to the posh shopping complex in Miraflores.

We had a USofA day. Burger King; Shrek 3; 10 pin bowling and then KFC to steel us for our overnight bus trip north to Trujillo. It was heaven.

I bought some Peruvian music and we headed to the Marriott (across the street) to get a posh taxi to pick up our luggage and take us to the bus.

We had booked our favourite sets with Liz (from Cuzco) and, after dodging some ladies of the night and working out how to check in to the bus (video cameras, bag searches - the works) we set off.

We had our usual seats, however they appeared to be slightly differently configured, as my legs barely had room to turn. Ho Hum. The bus did have wi-fi though - how bizarre.

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