Saturday, 17 January 2009


We had a straightforward flight to Recife and took a quick taxi ride to our hotel which was on Boa Viagem beach. We checked into our 70's themed room and took an instant dislike to the place. The beach outside was pleasant enough - in a Vila Velha kind of way - but wouldn't be relaxing in the slightest.

Busy beach

We decided to get a taxi across to Olinda (the other side of Recife) and had our dinner there. It was a poor man's cross between the bustle of Salvador and the architecture of Ouro Preto. We watched sunset over Recife;

Sunset over Recife

We ate our dinner and then took a taxi back to our hotel through the rank smelling streets of Recife. We decide to get out of Dodge.

This proved to be a little more problematic than we expected due to the fact that the woman at the GOL airlines desk insisted that we pay a small fortune to change our flights. I had a bit of a hissy fit (T got the brunt of it, for the heinous crime of wanting a cup of coffee) and then we decided to go back to the hotel. Rebook the flight and ignore the GOL woman. I redeemed myself somewhat with T by getting a refund for the flights we no longer needed.

We were heading back to Rio for the last three days - staying in a hotel that we had been to before on our last trip.

Goodbye Recife - we didn't give you much of a chance - but you blew it anyway.

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