Wednesday 4 July 2007

End of the road

So, we got up in time for our flight (at 11:30am - what a reasonable time it was too) and flew from Quito to Bogota and thence to Cartagena.

Bogota airport is quite the most surreal one I've been to. Amongst the many bizarre events, was the rather curious sight of people flying with plastic bags stuffed to the gunnels with Dunkin Donuts (sic).

Doughnuts - by the gross

We finally arrived in the sweltering heat of Cartagena (pronounced "cart-a-hen-yer") and checked into our lovely hotel with soft beds, air conditioning and a pool.

We cracked open a couple of beers and declared the travelling to be over and that we were now, officially on holiday.

So far, on holiday has been: have a nice meal; have a nice sleep; lie in bed reading books.

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