Friday, 16 February 2007


Another early start to get to the airport to fly down to Guatemala City (either a 30 min flight or a 10 hour bus ride - we chose the former). As we arrived at the airport we were told that the flight would be late as it was misty. That pleased Trudi, who seems to believe that Central American Airlines are just happy-go-lucky scared-of-nothing death traps. So, demonstrating some restraint by not taking off in thick mist reassured her (a bit) that they might care about their (and our) lives.

Upon arrival in Guat. (see, we are going native) we took a ten dollar shuttle to Antigua (no, not that Antigua, Antigua Guatemala).

Trudi had her beady little eyes on the most posh hotel in the guide book (a 5 star converted monastary), I suggested that there might be nice places to stay other than there. So we trundled off to the INGUAT Tourist Information centre. (Who were only marginally useful - I must say.)

As it turned out, the only place left that had a double room for two nights (that was acceptable to her ladyship) was, you guessed it, Casa Santa Domingo. I bet you are all shocked about that revalation. You can tell that it is nice because it has rose petals in water everywhere - apparently.

After a beautiful night's sleep (although interrupted by lorry/bus horn honking at five thirty am) and a wonderful evening meal, we are fully refreshed. Trudi has her sense of humour back in full effect - which is, I must confess, a mixed blessing.

The place is stunning, and very relaxing as you can see

Also, at 5,000 feet it is pleasantly cool and there are no nasty insects to spoil our days. Very nice.

Tomorrow we head off to Lago de Atitlan fow a few days. Apparently it's cold there.

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