Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Spanish day one

Awoke to a magnificent view from our bed

After last night, the floor was covered with dead ants. Even worse, there was no water! We had to go to our Spanish lesson dirty (sucio)!

Four hours of Spanish later, with the amusing Maydeni, we know a bit more. But the important thing is that we were forced to speak Spanish for (most of) the four hours. Four more days to go, then, I'm sure, we'll be having in-depth metaphysical discussions in Spanish.

After a light lunch, T went off to her therapy session, which was great by all accounts and then we wandered down to 'the beach'. Which resembled a small, sandy garbage dump. P came back to type this blog up and, just now, a hummingbird came to look at the plants about 5 feet away - awesome.

We dined in the most popular restaurant in Guatemala by our observation, anyway. It was OK, but nothing to write home about. Luckily, when we returned to the room, there were only three or four ants - easily dealt with. Trudi has decided that the mosquito net feels like a four poster - so we have it up now.

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