Thursday, 5 April 2007

Kosher Kapers

OK, OK I've stretched the alliteration thing way past any "funny by" date, but humour me please. I promise I will stop.

We were in a shopping mall yesterday, looking for some suitable clothing to go and visit Patagonia in. We went up to the food court to obtain some calories and fat and spotted a "McDonald's Kosher" restaurant. It was closed, but looked like it might be open some of the time.

I half-assumed that there were hundreds of these around the world and that I'd just been walking around with my eyes shut. I reckon there must be one in Prestwich (the mainly Jewish bit of Manchester) - but, according to Wikipedia this is the only one outside Israel. Curious.

Argentina, although an ex-Spanish colony, only seems to nod towards Catholicism; which suprised me a little. According to our "Political Tour" guide today, Presidents had to be Catholic until about 17 years ago (when an ex Muslim, turned Catholic president got the law changed).

We have seen quite a representation of Jewish culture here. A couple of weekends ago there was a "Jewish Festival" in a local park. (We walked past lots of Matzo bread and other typical fare before realising what was going on - mainly by the music!).

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