Monday, 9 April 2007

Waxing lyrical

I loved the title I came up with for this post so much that I can't wait until T gets around to writing about the actual content :-)

Now, women and blokes have different things to worry about when going on extended trips. I need to worry about travel chargers; different electricity voltages and sockets; maps; GPS units, you know important stuff.

T needs to worry about hair cuts; hair colour; numbers of pairs of shorts; bras; access to Grazia magazine and leg waxing.

One of the things that is interesting about travelling abroad is that things that go together in shops at home, do not always go together in the same shops abroad. In Argentina, every beauty salon that T asked in didn't do waxing, and no, they didn't know anywhere nearby that did.

What they didn't mention (perhaps because it was to bleeding obvious to warrant a mention) was that there were whole shops dedicated to depilation. (One thing you do when abroad is learn posh English words for everyday things - as they usually come back to their Latin roots which then appear in the Latin languages).

Apparently the whole "Jessica" approach to waxing would go down very well in London. I will leave T to fill in the actual details in the fullness of time. Suffice it to say that I had a fifteen minute wait on the sofa in the lobby of a shop where I was the only bloke. I tried to look as foreign as possible.

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