Thursday, 22 March 2007

(almost) one week in BsAs

We have decided to slow the pace right down now and have rented an apartment in the Palermo Viejo district of Buenos Aires for a month. We have been in it for two nights so far. Our first morning wasn't as quiet as we'd hoped, but this morning was lovely and peaceful.

We don't have internet access in the apartment, so I am forced to nip out to a local bar and avail myself of the free wifi. This will be a terrible chore - I can tell.

On our last day in the hotel (we stayed in a hotel for our first four nights) T decided to call her friends and mum from the hotel room. Deciding that discertion was the better part, I didn't complain about the hundred quid bill that came our way for the telephone. T was mortified and decided that it shouldn't be paid from joint pennies. Hopefully she now understands the concept of phone cards and we'll use one _next_ time. :-)

So far we have done alot of wandering about. Palermo Viejo is a mass of posh bars and posher clothes shops. It's Argentina's version of Notting Hill (says a little voice to my left). Our travelling garb isn't quite what the locals are wearing - but we haven't been chucked out of any of the painfully trendy bars - yet.

We are all kitted out to communicate now - I got a chip for my mobile and we got T a thirty quid PAYG phone. So we should be able to keep in touch when T nips off to the galleries and museums and I sit around reading & chilling out.

Our aim in BsAs is to do lots of chilin and try and fit in a Tango show; a football game; some walking tours; some excercise and that kind of thing. We have four weeks to decide what to do next: Patagonia (cold), Mendoza (Wine), Meontevideo (Uruguay) and Iguazu Falls (falls) are on the horizon, we may do some of these as tours during the month - who knows.

I'm sure there will be pictures of BsAs - but we haven't got any just yet. Watch this space.

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