Saturday, 17 March 2007

BsAs on St Guinness day

Day one in Beunos Aires (BsAs) arrived - we took a nice walking tour of the city.

The Recoleta cemetary is quite astounding, and our guide made it (to pardon the expression) come alive.

Unfortunately BsAs sems to be in the grip of a mossie epidemic. We had left our industrial strength insect repellant in our hotel under the stupid assumption that we wouldn't need it. What fools.

After a siesta after our tour - we trooped off to the Irish quarter to celebrate St Patrick's day in style. We stayed for about an hour from 10 - 11 pm (apparently quite early for the locals). When we left there seemed to be a street full of Argentinians milling around as if to say "O.K. We've come for the party - where is it?" not realising that they were supposed to _be_ the party and providing entertainment for each other by being so drunk that they couldn't stand up.

Maybe they got into the swing of things later - but, somehow, I doubt it.

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