Saturday, 17 March 2007

Panama continued

We took a local bus up to Colon, where we visited the Free Trade Zone - which, to be honest, was pretty rubbish. For our amusement, there was a good shop sign - make whatever joke you feel is appropriate. (Best keep it to yourself, though)

Schoolboy humour

We then went to the New Washington hotel (which wasn't - new, that is). We sat and watched some locals being taught to swim and observed a whole bunch of ships waiting to enter the canal from the Atlantic side.

Boats, waiting

A train - in Panama

We returned to Panama City in style on the train - T decided to act local and ignore requests to move, so we had a fantastic view of the canal scenery. The group of French people, who were supposed to have our seats, spent the whole time trying to take pictures of the poor girls who were acting as waitresses. They seemed to be unhappy about not being next to the windows that they didn't bother to look through - we studiously ignored them - luckily, ignoring French people is something that the English find quite easy to do :-)

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