After a lazy morning by the pool, we packed and set off to the airport. Our flight was quite long, but uneventful. A couple of hours stop in San Salvador, where we got off the plane, and a 45 minute stop in San Jose (Costa Rica). where we didn't.
San Salvador looked amazing - the whole Volcano thing is quite impressive when you fly so close to them.
Costa Rica may also have been impressive - it was dark.
We arrived at about midnight in Panama and got a taxi to our hotel.
Panama's currency is the Balboa (Written B/.), which is interesting, because it isn't. Panama doesn't print notes - it chooses to steal them from America (the US of), so dollars are the currency. Luckily for all concerned 1 Balboa is worth exactly one US dollar.
Our hotel wasn't the poshest, and it wasn't in the nicest place. However I was amazed about how noisy the street outside was - until I realised (after we had woken up and got dressed by 7am) that the window was wide open. It was tolerably quiet when shut.
Our first day in Panama was spent lookng for somewhere to base our tourism from.
After traipsing through the heat - we settled on the Backpacker enclave of the Panama Mariott.
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